About Songbird

I grew up in my mother’s beauty parlor, learning at an early age what it meant to have your own business. I’ve always known I’ve wanted my own business, and Songbird is the manifestation of that dream.
I’m easily distracted by colorful plastic things and have been in a loving relationship with Hello Kitty since I was seven years old. I’m a dog person to my core, and yes, you most certainly can bring your dog into the shop. In fact, you’d better.
Most of my life, I’ve felt like an outsider looking in which, trust me, is sometimes a good thing. I want people to feel accepted and welcome in my store no matter what they look like or what scene they’re into… unless of course you don’t have a sense of humor, in which case you probably shouldn’t come in.
I want to thank you for supporting Songbird Boutique, it literally feeds my family of two hungry boys- Jasper (11) and Beau (8)- two hungry bulldogs- Butch (4) and Peaches (4)- and two peckish parakeets, William and Turk who are sensitive about their ages.

The store is set up in sections or themes; someone once told me the store is like the inside of my mind, and I’m not really sure what that meant. Maybe because everything is compartmentalized or maybe because there are so many random parts that make up Songbird.
When picking items to sell, whether they are locally made or sourced elsewhere, I like to select items that are useful- items that won’t be tossed in the bin or, even worse, regifted.
Songbird just celebrated its 11th birthday here on 4th street! I’m so grateful to be here. I love the community vibe, I love watching your children grow, and I love meeting your pets and learning their names.
Thanks for helping me live the dream.

Contact Us
Email us at songbirdboutique@gmail.com or stop by the boutique today!